Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Show Me the Money!

It all started about six months ago when I moved out of my apartment in Orem. I had been living there with my sister for several months and we decided not to renew our lease for several reasons. Management informed us that every hour they spent cleaning is money deducted from our deposit. We spent the week cleaning so we could keep all of our deposit, well I spent the week cleaning. My sister spent the last night cleaning up her room and generously left me the rest of the apartment. When I finally received my deposit weeks later I realized they had short changed us by 50$. Knowing that I cleaned virtually every corner of our place I couldn't imagine what they spent several hours cleaning. When I inquired they simply said they don't document what they clean. I explained calmly that I couldn't accept that I would lose 50$ without a list of what they cleaned. I went on to accuse them of trying to steal my money. Each new manager promised to send me a reimbursement check. Every time I called back there was a new manager to do battle with. Last night I found myself in the area and decided to have a face to face debate. To my surprise I was able to convince this new manager with little effort. The check will be in the mail this Friday, so they say. Do you think I'll find myself calling in two weeks and talking to another new manager? Will I ever get this stupid money? Is it even worth it?


mrs. everything said...

$50 is hardly worth it to me, but if you are anything like my dad- fight to the death.

Anonymous said...

whenever i think of money that i could have but don't have i like to think about what i could do with the money. this will determine if it is worth it. let me review some possibilities- del taco $5, movie $10, full tank of gas $25, season 3 of House $5. some of these prices may be wrong, but they are close, look at what they have taken from you. you must fight on. and no you will not be receiving a check on friday.

Lord Baldemort said...

I think you're right Phil, no check will be sent Friday. But I will continue to fight the good fight.

Anonymous said...

mrs. everything perhaps this will persuade you to see the value of the $50- tofu about $1.50 per pound. that's more than 33lbs of tofu, that would last you months! you would let someone rob you of this?!

Woodstock said...
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Woodstock said...

Firstly I did help clean...but I guess the more hair falls out of ones head,the more clean happy they become until they become so obssessed to make every surface around them just as shiny as their heads (case in point Mr. Clean) thats my theory...and secondly that apartment is a scam. Two of my friends still live their and always pay their rent on time but the managers keep saying that they never paid anything. And the old managers hired my friend Kim ( a 19 yr old) to run the joint and a few months later she was accused of stealing everyones rents and such...didn't you see that on the news?
Piss out Mr. Clean