Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pet Peeve of the Week: Don't Tip Your Cap to Me Home Slice

I was at the gym the other day and realized a disturbing trend. This guy was working out with his baseball cap turned sideways. Not all the way to the side (haven't seen that move pulled since the days of Vanilla Ice), this is the slightly cocked sideways tilt. I realize this move has been utilized for some time now, but it still grates my cheese. First of all, wearing a hat at the gym is weird anyway. Second of all, this guy had to look in the mirror and think to himself, "How can I be dangerous and sexy at the same time while pumping some serious iron?" So he puts on his little hat....and thinks, "Something is still missing. I'm not truly thugged out enough yet." Then a moment of true gangster genius strikes. "I've got it! If I but tilt my hat to the side ever so slightly everyone will think that I'm totally hard core." What a loser. Why is a tilted hat cool anyway? I'm really K-Fed up with this whole gangster trend. Is it more comfortable this way? I've done some field research and the answer is no way homay. Bottom line Tupac, if you have to take more than 3 seconds to put on a hat and adjust it to perfection so it looks "good," chances are- you a girl son. So my homedogs of the tilted hat trend, go with the hat straight forward and avoid looking like you're auditioning for the Wu-Tang Clan. Oh and let me hit you wit some more knowledge bro. Chances are if you wear your hat this way, you might need to check out my post on sunglasses. T-Dog out.


Lou said...

these thuggish individuals should have the privilege of having a head revoked

The Donkey said...

New pet peeve: saying that something grates your cheese

Anonymous said...

I'll grate your face

Anonymous said...

i was there to see this clown, he actually looked like K-fed. it was truly embarrassing. the worst part was he had a friend with him. what kind of friend let's you look like that?

Anonymous said...

maybe you ought to give him a g-check